High and Tight Recon Haircut

High and Tight Recon haircut

The High and Tight Recon haircut (aka Recon or Recon haircut) is the extreme version of the High and Tight. The Recon sits higher on the scalp, making a landing strip resembling a rectangle of hair. The High and Tight Recon haircut is also shaved on the sides and back and the landing strip is clipped at a guard length number four as a maximum length.

The High and Tight Recon is an excellent military haircut

The High and Tight Recon haircut is most famous for the Marines sporting this haircut. The Recon haircut is similar in a way to a Mohawk haircut in that the landing strip makes for a pseudo crest, thus the High and Tight Recon haircut serves as an intimidating haircut when engaging in battle, and it is one of the most convenient military haircuts to wear; the only problem being that it is easy to get sunburnt with the Recon haircut if you are in sunny areas such as Afghanistan or Iraq as a military man or during summer time if you are a regular citizen.

Two military men with a high and tight haircut and a Recon haircut

The man on the right has a High and Tight Recon haircut while the man on the left has a regular High and Tight. Notice how the hair of the man on the right sits higher on the scalp than the hair of the man on the left.

Difference between a High and Tight haircut and a High and Tight Recon

The difference between a conventional High and Tight haircut and a High and Tight Recon haircut is that, as mentioned earlier, the hair on the top of the head in a Recon haircut is shorter in length and sits higher on the scalp, higher than the temples and the crown so the hair on the top of the head has a smaller surface area than a High and Tight. Likewise, the sides and back of the head are shaved in the Recon, whereas the sides and the back of the head are clipped very short (a guard number one or two) in a High and Tight haircut.

Hair lengths for the High and Tight Recon haircut

To recap all of the above, these are the hair lengths to get for your Reco haircut:

  • Sides and back of the head: either fully shaved or clipped with no guard attached. No fading should be done.
  • Top of the head: an even length that can be any from a guard number one to a guard number four. The hair is clipped higher than the temples and higher than the crown (top of back of the head).

A man wih a High and Tight haircut Recon showing the landing strip for a Recon cut.This is the landing strip for a High and Tight Recon haircut. Notice the rectangle shape and the hair on the top of the head sitting higher than the temples and crown.

High and Tight Recon haircut pictures

These are some more pictures of the High and Tight Recon haircut so you can get some inspiration. For what is worth, the haircut tools for the Recon are the same as for the High and Tight, so make sure you read my article on the tools needed for the High and Tight haircut.

A young man posing in the mirror with a high and tight recon haircut.

The sides of a high and tight recon haircut.

Don’t forget to like, tweet and Google Plus this article if you have enjoyed it! And also link to it so more men can learn from this awesome military haircut that the High and Tight Recon is!

For more on the recon haircut http://www.manlycurls.com/2013/06/short-hairstyles-for-men-curly-wavy-straight-kinky-summer/


15 responses to “High and Tight Recon Haircut

  1. Fred, Thanks for your comments on the high and tight and the high and tight recon haircuts. I love them both. Glad to know that there are others that love these haircuts too. I look forward to reading more of your blog in the future. Thank You. Joe Gleason

    • Thanks Joe and thanks for passing by! Yes, I just want this site to be a resource for the High and Tight and Recon as haircuts that can be used by civilians too. Too many young men are too crazy about the Undercut and other trendy haircuts when we have military-graded haircuts like the High and Tight that not only are low maintenance but actually look good and make a man look manlier.

      Apologies for the late reply as the comments were being sent to the spam folder for some unknown reason to do with WordPress. You should be able to post now normally and I will see it.


  2. I am getting a high and tight #1 recon with shaved back and sides at the barbershop on Friday. I haven’t had my sides and back shaved that high before.

    • Apologies for the lateness in my reply as the comments were sent to the spam folder.

      How was your High and Tight? Lots of guys getting their first High and Tight are a bit nervous as to how high the haircut really goes, but from my experience all of them love how it looks. I am talking of both military men and civilians.


    • How do you like it? I did Recon a few weeks ago. Don’t know why I waited so long. It’s a great haircut. More guys should try it.

    • Ted, glad you stil have your Recon, my friend! That haircut and the High & Tight are the best mens haircuts. More so for men who just can’t be bothered to groom and style their hair in the mornings.

  3. I love my high and tight with shaved sides and back. Not sure what number on top. I am wanting to go higher this Summer. Probably tell the barber to than the temples and crown. Is blended still an option.

    • Hello Tim! Some very minimal blending is fine with the high and tight haircut. But do not turn the high and tight into a high fade haircut. Make sure that you still have sharp edges around the hair on the top, similar to mason jar heads. This is why the high and tight cut is also known as a jarhead haircut. It’s innate to the high & tight and to the Recon to keep the sharp edges, but some minimal blending is fine.


  4. Go for it. Get your barber to do the first one so it is even and lines are sharp. You can keep the sides shaved and top trimned after that.

  5. I’d like try recon, already had High and Tight. What is usually size for landing stripe? Is it ok going #0 for back and sides and #4 on top?

    • Some 3 or 4 inches for a landing strip as long as it is above the crown and you are good to go. A hair clipper length of a #4 on the top and a #0 on the sides and back is a good haircut.

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